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Grayscale ETHE has seen an outflow of 33.1% within 36 trading days.
OdailySep 12, 2024

According to Trader T's monitoring, there were no inflows or outflows of funds in Grayscale ETHE yesterday. 33.1% of the ETH under its management flowed out within 36 trading days, with an estimated 50% net outflow expected in 109 days (until November 19th).

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Grayscale ETHE has seen an outflow of 33.1% within 36 trading days.
OdailySep 12, 2024

According to Trader T's monitoring, there were no inflows or outflows of funds in Grayscale ETHE yesterday. 33.1% of the ETH under its management flowed out within 36 trading days, with an estimated 50% net outflow expected in 109 days (until November 19th).

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