Odaily Planet Daily reported that Virtuals Protocol announced on the X platform that it will expand to Solana. It is reported that Virtuals Protocol is launching the Meteora pool on Solana, where 1% of transaction fees will be converted to $SOL, creating a dedicated reserve to support and reward agents and creators within our ecosystem. Additionally, the AGENT/VIRTUAL trading pair will remain consistent on Solana to ensure a seamless user experience.
Odaily Planet Daily reported that Virtuals Protocol announced on the X platform that it will expand to Solana. It is reported that Virtuals Protocol is launching the Meteora pool on Solana, where 1% of transaction fees will be converted to SOL, creating a dedicated reserve to support and reward agents and creators within our ecosystem. Additionally, the AGENT/VIRTUAL trading pair will remain consistent on Solana to ensure a seamless user experience.