David Leftley
David Leftley
David Leftley is the Co-Founder & CTO at Blocksync Ventures.David was Chief Engineer for Technology Evaluation and led Vodafone’s corporate venture team in Europe during his 14 years at Vodafone. In this time the fund was ranked in the top 5 CVCs, David was included in Wired Magazine’s top 100 innovators’ list and he was named as one of the most influential CVCs in the Global Corporate Venturing Powerlist 100. He knows how to spot a commercial technology and test to ensure that it is defensible and disruptive. Starting in the defence industry he learned that with the right people and the right money anything is possible. He brings this invaluable expertise to Bloc and knows how to dig deep and personally look under the bonnet while understanding the commercial ramification of industry dynamics.
David Leftley Work Experience
Blocksync Ventures
Fundraising News
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