Manohara K.
Manohara K.
Manohara K. is Founder & CEO at Unmarshal. Software engineer with more than 7 years of experience in building core backend services with huge traffic and small scale minimum viable product to validate the ideas. Have more than 4 years of experience in building core components of ride-hailing business such as bookings service, allocation logic, and logistic services in scale. Have built and maintained services with more than 10 million transactions per day.nIn the span of 6 years career,n➢ Have worked as senior backend developer building and maintaining highly scalablenbackend servicesn➢ Have worked as full stack developer building end to end aspects of web applicationsnincluding mobile apps and DevOpsn➢ Have built API gateways and middlewares in Backends For Frontend(BFF) patternn➢ Have worked as a software consultant helping clients to prioritize, build a minimumnviable product(MVP) to go to market much fastern➢ Mentored team members on agile, test-driven and best coding practices and scalablendesignsn➢ Introduced and implemented unit/function getdataal testing practices, runbooks, and RFCsnn my 6 years of developer careers, I have worked as a software consultant, delivery engineer, team lead and engineering owner. Apart from development, I love writing blogs and talking at conferences and mentoring new hires and teammates.
Manohara K. Work Experience
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