Shane Fontaine
Shane Fontaine
Shane Fontaine is the co-founder of Hop Protocol and was previously the lead password developer at CoinCircle. Shane was an engineer coming from some of the world’s largest, most powerful defense industry companies such as Boeing and Raytheon. He created the Ethereum engineering meetup in Los Angeles in order to advance and grow the cryptocurrency developer community. He is also a founding member of the UCLA Blockchain Lab team and moderates many of the Ethereum related events in the Los Angeles area. Shane brings a depth of knowledge and understanding of Ethereum and smart contract that can only be attained through practical experience and the years of networking within the ecosystem that someone like him has. He has written many smart contracts and code in the Solidity language, and he provides the knowledge and experience of engineering and trading with the Ethereum blockchain to the team. Shane has years of experience in electrical engineering and an education from the University of San Diego and UCLA.
Shane Fontaine Work Experience
Hop Protocol
Shane Fontaine Education Experience
Fundraising News
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