Aleck Lee
Aleck Lee
Aleck is the CFO of First Digital Trust. Apart from leading its finance team based in different jurisdictions to overview all of the Group's financial and accounting activities, Aleck is also involved in FDT’s fundraising and restructuring. Prior to joining FDT, Aleck was the Asia CFO of a Sweden-listed private equity group with dental prosthetics manufacturing arms in Mainland China and Southeast Asia. He gained unprecedented experience delivering crisis management solutions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Aleck was a British Chevening Scholar and obtained his MSc in Economics and Strategy from Imperial College London. Upon his graduation, he worked in Big4 and accumulated experience in M&A, value creation and audit before working in-house since 2019. Aleck is a member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accoutants (HKICPA). He graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the Australian National University and Imperial College London.
Aleck Lee Work Experience
First Digital
First Digital
Aleck Lee Education Experience
The Australian National University
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Imperial College
Fundraising News
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